sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

The waste land by T. S Eliot

Just analyzing the title of the poem, “The waste land”, I wonder where is the waste land? It is important to consider that this poem was published after the First World War, so the waste land could refer Europe after the war. Devastation, desolation, death and loneliness were aspects that predominated in during the interwar period. The massacre of innocent people in the war denoted the lack of awareness of …..In fact weapons were more important than human beings’ lives. Eliot combined different languages such as German and French. Probably he wanted to demonstrate that languages were not a boundaries, the waste land was conformed by all European countries. In the first subtitle “The Burial of the Dead” we can recognize how the land was devastated in the war. And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water” .To conclude, this poem criticized the European society and how the war damaged the land and human relations.

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