domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2009

The rocking- horse winner by D. H Lawrence

Mother and children relationship is a key issue in the Rocking- horse winner because D.H Lawrence combined his real experience with fiction.

Analyzing his life and this story, the image of the “mother” is seen as an unhappy woman, who takes care children and control all aspects of her children’s life. On the one hand, in the case of the story the mother didn’t love her children and they felt that. There was a wall between them. However she tried to do her best in order to look like a good mother. Another aspect to consider is that she didn’t have a good relationship with her husband. Moreover she said that she was an unlucky woman because she got married to an unlucky man. In other words, she passed on the responsibility of unluckiness to her husband.

On the other hand, Lawrence’s mother had a close relationship with him, in fact she encouraged him to study arts and poetry. In that way she controlled his life because she didn’t want that he become a miner as his father. In addition she didn’t get along with her husband, they had frictions due to the fact they belonged to different social status. She passed on the responsibility of they poverty to her husband. To conclude his life had a lot in common with the rocking- horse winner. Probably he wanted to express what he lived through a story.

1 comentario:

salo_thug dijo...

Dear Pamela,

I really like the way you analized this work. It is essential when we are children feel that we are loved by our parents. Otherwise we can have problems in the future that will make us feel that we lack something. I am saying all this because you pointed out as the main issues of this work the relationship between mother and son.
From my point of view, you did a very god job comparing the unhappy woman found in the Rocking-horse winner, with Lawrence's mother and her unhappy life with her husband because of poverty.

At the same time you are making distinction of this to mothers saying that Lawrence's was great and loved him. In contrast, the mother shown by the author in the Rocking-horse winner was cruel with her son.

Maybe as a recommendation, I would suggest checking the punctuation of your post. Anyway, I think you did an amazing job. Congratulations.

Best Regards,