Elizabeth: the golden age took place in England in 1585. Spain was the most powerful country in Europe and it tried to impose the Catholic religion in the rest of the world. But England was against its ideology because Queen Elizabeth was protestant.
The movie begins when Elizabeth’s advisor was showing her some portraits of Princes but she did not want to get married because she did not want to share her power so for that reason she never got married and she was called the “Virgin Queen”. Meanwhile a group of Catholics conspired to assassinate Elizabeth in order to replace her with Mary, who was Queen of Scots. They wanted Mary Stuart as future Queen of England due to she was Catholic, so in that way Spain could have more influences upon England. However, they were uncovering and Mary was sentenced to death for high treason. Elizabeth confronted them and after that the conflict between them ended into a political and religious war.
It is an amazing movie because it shows Queen Elizabeth in all her glory, and how she managed the political and religious conflict with Spain. She was a very strong woman, who was self- confident and she had self- determination. She was one of the most important women in England because she fought against Spain, which was the dominant country, to establish the Protestant Church.
Analyzing psychologically Elizabeth, I believe that she never got married because her father Henry VIII projected a wrong image of marriage because he had many wives and he killed Anne Boleyn, who was Elizabeth’s mother. So I think that she could believe that marriage could be broken easily and it could not be serious. In that sense she could have fear of marriage or she could think that a husband could disturb her life and in her ideals.
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